Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Emma's 2nd Birthday

Emma had a pony theme birthday party. David did a great job drawing a My Little Pony on her cake. She had 2 friends there, Emeline of course, and Ari, her German friend. His dad is the pastor David works with in Wuppertal. He's about the sweetest 2 year old boy i've ever met. The day went great and she was really spoiled with gifts. She recieved some wonderful things. Emeline sat right next to her the whole time she opened presents and just watched. It was hilarious!


Amy said...

SO CUTE!!! My niece is the cutest human on this earth...love the one where her face is squinty and she is smiling....can't wait to see her!!!

The Hawkins said...

Happy Birthday Emma!!! The pictures are great and I love Maggie and Emma's shirts. Glad you guys are doing well!