I think the "Reindeer Droppings" were more for David and I than Emma...we thought it was pretty funny.
Maggie's big present was her walker and she got a glow worm
I got a bunch of great decorations for our apartment from Kristi
David got some boots from his dad
Emma got a horse from Papa.
That evening we went to Julie's apartment for dinner with our team and couple from France. This is Chris our team leader

Shannon, Chris's wife and their friend from France. Shannon's expecting a boy in May. They are calling this their miracle child. They had a less then 1% chance of ever getting pregnant and after they adopted Emeline, 4 months later she was pregnant. We are so excited for them.

Shannon, Chris's wife and their friend from France. Shannon's expecting a boy in May. They are calling this their miracle child. They had a less then 1% chance of ever getting pregnant and after they adopted Emeline, 4 months later she was pregnant. We are so excited for them.
OKAY SERIOUSLY maggie is the cutest button I have ever seen. I guess she just takes after her mom. I wish I could make the one with david holding her bigger but I can't! I also love the fact that you SURPRISED ME with a BRAND NEW BLOG...not even 4 days from the other NEW POSTING!!!!
Hey Martins! Happy New Year! Cute pictures of your little ones, and your place looked very cozy and Christmassy! Dave, you better show them Europeans your boots :)
Heard you guys are coming back this summer?
Hey Martins! I had no idea you had a blog, apparently Allen has been holding back! Anyways, it is great to see you all and Emma and Maggie! They are adorable. We "think" of you all often and I am excited to have found your blog!! We have one too at wwww.hawkinsunderconstruction.blogspot.com
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